Thursday, March 5, 2009

A More Restful Night

Pops had a better night last night- mainly due to the fact that that he has started back on his pain medications. As stated previously, his agitation is related to pain, and now with methadone three times daily he is more at rest. He also has roxynol(morphine) for breakthrough pain. He is not really eating or drinking much- but it is being offered on regular intervals. It is being offered, not pushed. Yesterday he ate a partial bowl of oatmeal and some bites of ice cream. He also had a little coffee and water. But not a whole lot.

Adele is here to stay for a few days and she can help out by keeping Mom company. She even got indoctrinated to a bed change and the use of non latex gloves. Pops is very sleepy and groggy but has his moments where he comes in and out. Not much else to report as of the visit to see him this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for you both, John and Eileen. I miss you and wish for you only comfort during this time. Love Melissa Ready from Independence.