Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fight The Good Fight

Pops had a later day and night of agitation. He did not sleep hardly at all and was wanting to get up and go the bathroom, or finish the movie, or find some coffee. He had some medication, but only a small amount. I stayed with him and I got him out of bed 5 times between midnight and 7 AM. He was a pistol. KA stayed with him the night before and he did not have a good night either- as stated before. He ran a temperature all night long as well. Today his oxygen level is a little low but the temp is gone. He is fighting the good fight to stay with us. Ethan came by and said two things. One, if he is up and agitated at night it means he is in pain. His mind/ attitude just won't admit it and two, if he's up all night- call hospice and let them deal with it. I didn't mind for the most part, we talked a lot and I have a reminder of it this morning, a tight lower back.

We'll keep you posted of changes.

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