Friday, December 5, 2008

Hospice Options

Another Birthday Pic from Lone Star. EE and grandkids surrounding him.

Saw Dr Jones with Pops this week. It was nice because the parents had a family friend from Independence visiting them, Nancy. we talked about updates on PSA and overall medical plan. Main emphasis was hospice options and at this point we are going to go with Zion's Way. KA and I both know nurses who work for them and have asked around and it seems like a good fit. Plan will still be most likely to do it at the first of the year but it depends on many factors- biggest is how Pop feels. we are meeting with them today at 2 PM. No other real news except we are going to hold tight in our home. With the economy how it is we just fear that we won't be able to sell our house for a productive sum and will be stuck holding the bag with two mortages. Will update shortly..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The birthday picure of you Dad is a good one. He looks well.