Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Had a good day at Cindy's for Christmas. Opened grandparent gifts and had a great meal of prime rib and assortments. Lone Star felt like crap all day and all last night. He stayed in the bedroom laying down most of the time and was a trooper even for coming. He is having bouts of nausea frequently now and it is not stomach flu. Most likely the big C working it's wonders elsewhere. We did open gifts and do a circle prayer while he was supine in Cindy's bed. She is so good for letting him camp out in her room and letting Humphrey's bombard her home. Pops and EE made an audio history of their life with Cathy A as a Christmas gift and that was presented. I have only heard parts but I know it will only increase in meaning as time goes on.

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