Gabby being festive getting ready for company. She's always been a party girl.
Zane and Noah enjoying a snow day. First time in 9 years we have had school cancellations.
P and Stef and kids (Sara, Ashley and Luke) got in last night. So of course we went with Mom and Pops to where? You guessed it.. Chuck A Rama. It is good to have them here and the kids have so much fun together. We are going sledding tomorrow and getting ready for a great holiday season. Tonight we are going to Tuachan Amphetheater for a live nativity. It will be a good time with the kids. There will be upcoming pictures of Christmas events and of the holiday itself. I hope you all have a great holiday season and are safe and have many blessings.
Merry Christmas John and Eileen! I hope you have a wonderful day - missing you in Independence...Melissa
Thanks Melissa. I passed on your seasons greetings to them and they were pleased to hear from you.
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